
Blogs about Balance

Why Redcord Is Especially Helpful For Swimmers.

As a swimmer, this is my best kept secret. Swimming is a unique sport due to the environment in which you’re in. This makes rehabbing a swimmer fairly unique. When I work with athletes, their primary goals are to return to sport and enhance performance. But most sports are on land. Nothing can really replicate swimming out of the water; and so fully reconditioning a swimmer would often be challenging. To reproduce similar forces, leverage, and buoyancy that water applies to a joint has always been difficult. That’s until I discovered Redcord.


What can Activcore Physical Therapists Learn from the Chinese Diving Team

So I have talked to several friends and colleagues about Activcore. It is quite easy for them to see that the most apparent differences between Activcore and your conventional physical therapy are: 1) longer treatment session duration, and 2) use of the Redcord suspension system. However, I would vehemently assert that having more one-on-one time with the client does not simply lead to an opportunity to perform a greater number of sets and reps of each exercise. Rather it provides a more focused, client-centered approach that involves greater attention to detail and a more intimate understanding of each person’s needs.


How Do I Advance my Yoga Practice to get Stronger and More Flexible?

Yoga is a centuries-old practice but oftentimes, teachers have not adapted the style of teaching to reflect the demands of modern day life. If we take a critical lens to the demands of the modern worker, we see more sitting, phone use, and overall sedentary lifestyle than ever before. These prolonged postures have an effect on our muscles and posture in a way that we may not be aware of when we walk into a yoga class.


12 Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit While at Home

Are you going stir crazy at home during this COVID-19 pandemic? We recommend these tips and measures to keep you going strong, and to prepare your body for other, more strenuous physical activities.


After Sustaining a Concussion, Should I Stay in the Dark?

Treatment and acknowledgment of concussions have drastically changed over the past few decades. In the 1970’s and 1980’s athletes weren't accurately screened, nevermind diagnosed with a concussion. A “stinger” or “hard knock” were common ways to describe those who took a hit to the head or appeared dazed. The injured athletes were commonly held out for a short period of time. As soon as they started feeling better, they were sent back into the game.


I'm Getting Back into Running. How Can I Improve my Form?

Whether you are a former runner, a seasoned runner, or just beginning, how you are running is important. I don’t know about you, but until recently I was just lacing up my sneakers and running out the door. I never thought much about the way I was running, just how many miles I was going to do and how fast I could get them done. Your running form is just as important to your training as mileage, duration, and intensity. A few variables that can have a big impact on your performance include a proper warm-up, cadence, and shoe wear.


How Did We Help Two Professional Sports Teams Become Champions?

Let me start right off by saying that I’m not one to call attention to myself, or to toot my own horn. In fact, I've been known to not even tell my co-workers that it’s my birthday. This should give you an idea of how difficult it is for me to write about one of the best kept secrets in professional sports.


Why Do I Feel Unbalanced? Postural Restoration Explained

Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) is a clinical education program started in Lincoln, Nebraska by a physical therapist, Ron Hruska, over 30 years ago. He looked at the human body as being asymmetrical. The muscular, neurological, respiratory, circulatory, and vision systems are not the same on the left side of the body as they are on the right side. They have different responsibilities, functions, positions and demands placed on them.


A Physical Therapist's Journey Back To Natural Movement, Step 1: The Plan

With the start of a new calendar year, many people set new year resolutions or goals. I have chosen to set a physical performance goal for myself. This year I want to successfully do a strict “muscle up” by June.


If I've Sustained A Concussion, Should I Be Concerned About Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?

Have you ever had a concussion? Even if you haven’t, chances are you've heard the term CTE. But what do we really know about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy? Is this something you should worry about if you've had a concussion?

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