In the conventional healthcare system, physical therapists are juggling 2, 3 or 4 patients every hour. According to recent stats, only 6-25% of those patients actually complete a full course of care. This means up to 94% drop out of PT. It's a staggering statistic that should make you think twice about where you go for physical therapy. (Source: The State of Rehab Therapy by WebPT)
Activcore is different. Our physical therapists focus 100% on you for the fastest recovery possible!
We match you up with a professional who is best suited for your particular health and wellness needs.
We give our full undivided attention so that you (and your provider) get the most out of each session.
We go beyond your symptoms by finding and fixing any hidden muscle imbalances that hold you back.
We teach you how to rebalance your body with help from the Redcord suspension system.