
Blogs about Postpartum Health

5 Tips to Prepare Your Pelvis For a Smooth Labor & Delivery

Congratulations! You’re embarking on the incredible journey of pregnancy, complete with its joys and challenges. As your due date approaches, the thrill of impending motherhood mingles with the realization that your little one will soon need to make their grand entrance into the world.This thought can be quite overwhelming, but fear not! I am here to share five tips to help you and your pelvis feel fully prepared and empowered for labor and delivery.


If I Have A Prolapse, Is Surgery My Only Option?

Before I discuss treatment options (including a pelvic fitness program you've probably never heard of), let's learn about prolapse. What is a prolapse? What does it feel like? What causes it?‍ Prolapse is a medical term to describe the descent of an organ. This can happen in different areas of the body but in regards to the pelvic floor, it can occur in the anterior and posterior wall of the vaginal canal. There are 3 main types of prolapses...


Should I See A Physical Therapist During and After Pregnancy?

I would argue that most, if not all women, would absolutely benefit from physical therapy during and after pregnancy. Your abdomen and your pelvic floor undergo significant trauma throughout the 9-month pregnancy and birthing journey. Your muscles are stretched, atrophied, cut through, and scar tissue forms.


Suspension Based Physical Therapy for Postpartum Pelvic Pain

For over 15 years, I've been teaching suspension based PT to physical therapists across the country. I have seen all different types of clinics incorporate the Redcord suspension system into their daily practice. During these classes, many pelvic floor physical therapists have exclaimed how great suspension exercise is for postpartum moms. I would hear this over and over again. But I didn't know exactly why.


What Does It Mean To Have A Strong Pelvic Floor?

Pelvic floor strength is more than just the ability to squeeze the muscles while waiting in line for the bathroom. Pelvic floor muscle functioning is about a muscle’s ability to adapt and the amount of muscle activity it is able to generate and coordinate. So let’s dive into pelvic floor muscle functioning and adaptability in pelvic floor strength and overall pelvic health. 


Best Treatment Options for Diastasis Recti

Have you been told you have a diastasis recti? Have you tried some DIY treatments but haven't been able to improve it? As a pelvic health physical therapist, there are several professional treatment options that I recommend: physical therapy, laser therapy, functional neurology, gut health, hypnosis, and/or abdominoplasty surgery (if necessary).


Dr. Kylie's 5-Week Pregnancy Prep Class

Every Wednesday at 5:00pm from May 17th to June 14th, I will be teaching a one-hour pregnancy prep class that includes both education and exercise. Whatever stage of pregnancy you may be in, this class will help you understand the physical changes happening within your body. I will cover topics like push prep, perineal massage, your pelvis during labor and birth, low back pain, constipation, painful sex, and more.


Dr. Kylie's 5-Week Postpartum Recovery Class

Every Tuesday at noon from May 16th to June 13th, I will be teaching a one-hour postpartum recovery class in Denver, Colorado that includes both education and exercise. This class is made for birthing persons ranging from 1-week postpartum to 5-years postpartum! I will cover topics like pelvic floor healing, leaking, prolapse, painful sex, diastasis recti, constipation, and much more.


Do I Need Surgery for my Diastasis Recti?

As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I get this question a lot. Although diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) can affect anyone, I see it most often in clients who are pregnant or have been pregnant. Unfortunately, I hear so many women telling me that their health care provider told them the only way to treat a DRA is through surgery. I’m here to bust that myth.


Should I Invest in the Health of My Pelvis?

So you had a baby and are now having bouts of incontinence. Or maybe you’ve always had pain during sexual intercourse but didn’t realize this was abnormal. Or you’ve had chronic low back pain that hasn't resolved from traditional PT. Pelvic floor dysfunction affects people of all ages and genders and can have a significant impact on the quality of your life. Typically it leads to issues that are uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing.

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