Instant gratification is all around us every single day. We get our news immediately from our phones. Our meals come prepared and ready to heat up and eat in several minutes. And we get anything we want from Amazon with literally the click of a button. Our world is moving so fast compared to years ago. So why would recovering from a lower back injury be any different?
Read MOREIn my last blog post I talked about how to simplify explaining anatomy to clients by way of the myofascial system. Before we dig into each myofascial chain, I would like to discuss another simple concept that has also dramatically improved the way I treat and educate my clients. The concept of inner muscles versus outer muscles was introduced by Anders Bergmark in 1989.
Read MOREThe evidence for treating musculoskeletal pain has remained consistent over the years. It supports two basic aspects of physical therapy: to move your joints and to understand pain science. So why, early on in my career, was it so hard for me to successfully treat patients in pain? I guess moving without pain is harder than you might think. Just ask the old me that didn’t have access to a “zero-gravity” suspension exercise system.
Read MORELow Pressure Fitness (LPF) is a series of breathing and postural exercises that safely strengthen your deepest core muscles. These are the muscles that create the foundation for upright posture and joint stability. They also help you control normal bodily processes and function of our bladder, bowels and sexual health. Oftentimes, these inner muscles can be affected from an injury, surgery, pregnancy, illness or sedentary lifestyle.
Read MOREMany of the patients I treat are coming to physical therapy for care of pelvic pain, low back pain or both. And one of the most useful things they can tell me during their evaluation or session is if, when and where they had an abdominal surgery, injury, or pregnancy history. Even if it was deemed minor and many years ago.
Read MOREIn a time where we are fed article titles that boast ‘best ergonomic chair’ and ‘standing desks for home office’, we have become obsessed with the idea of ‘perfect’ posture and those devices marketed to us to correct ‘bad posture’. But what are we really looking for with these devices and what are we getting out of them?
Read MOREChronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a multifaceted condition affecting 20% of women in the United States. Treatment includes pharmacological interventions, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. Studies have shown that yoga is an effective intervention to help both improve pain and quality of life in women with CPP. Many times those suffering with chronic pelvic pain experience high levels of both anxiety and stress.
Read MOREWhen Activcore and CORE merged earlier this year in Atlanta, we introduced a new movement method to our suite of services: the Gyrotonic Expansion System®. This system has two parts: 1) Gyrotonic® exercise which is performed on specialized equipment, and 2) Gyrokinesis® work which is performed on a chair and/or mat. If you’ve been at Activcore lately, you might have seen the equipment in our back room. The Gyrotonic® equipment uses a system of weights and pulleys to simultaneously offload body weight, similar to the Redcord suspension system.
Read MOREIn this video, I am performing a side-lying hip abduction (side plank) exercise utilizing the Redcord suspension system to assist me. This is an excellent way to target the hip abductors, and more specifically the gluteus medius! Research continues to grow discussing how important the hip abductors are for optimal function in sport and everyday life.
Read MOREThe serratus anterior is commonly referred to as the Boxer’s Muscle. It is a fan-shaped muscle that originates on the superolateral surfaces of ribs 1 to 8 (or even 9 in some people) at the lateral wall of the thorax, and inserts along the superior angle, medial border, and inferior angle of the scapula. Given its anatomical location, origin and insertion, and extensive documentation, we know that the serratus anterior muscle is critical in healthy shoulder function.