How Does Low Back Pain Affect Your Golf Game?

March 12, 2023

As a physical therapist and certified TPI practitioner, I have treated countless golfers with low back pain. When I look at their ability to perform a golf swing, there are many mobility and stability demands on the body necessary to reduce swing faults or compensatory strategies. Given the unilateral (one sided) repetitive nature of a golf swing, it's not surprising that these compensations can eventually result in low back pain.

The human body is generally pretty resilient when it comes to performing physical tasks, such as hitting a golf ball with a club. But at what cost? Let’s break down some common movement limitations and muscle impairments which can result in added stress and strain to the low back during a golf swing.

- Limited ankle mobility

- Limited hip internal rotation

- Limited lumbar spine rotation

- Limited shoulder and thoracic spine mobility

- Limited neck rotation

- Impaired lateral hip stability

- Impaired shoulder stability

- Impaired pelvic and core control

As you might be able to tell, any limitation or impairment from head to toe can result in compensation and potential stress and strain on the body, especially on the low back. It is common for athletes to "muscle through" the pain in order to stay in the game. As a physical therapist, I don't typically give tips on how to adjust their golf swing. Rather I will identify and correct any movement limitations (and the underlying impairments in muscle stability) which can affect their approach and lead to chronic pain and dysfunction.

To learn more about how I find and fix muscle impairments, check out the Redcord suspension system.

Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this article are based on the opinion of the author, unless otherwise noted, and should not be taken as personal medical advice. The information provided is intended to help readers make their own informed health and wellness decisions.

Dr. Jason Goncalves

Physical Therapist
Dr. Jason Goncalves is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who specializes in sports injury rehabilitation, orthopedics and complex pain syndromes. Over the past decade, he has become a leading authority in suspension based physical therapy and a TPI certified golf practitioner to help athletes overcome pain and movement limitations, both on and off the green.


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How Does Low Back Pain Affect Your Golf Game?

As a physical therapist and certified TPI practitioner, I have treated countless golfers with low back pain. When I look at their ability to perform a golf swing, there are many mobility and stability demands on the body necessary to reduce swing faults or compensatory strategies. Given the unilateral (one sided) repetitive nature of a golf swing, it's not surprising that these compensations can eventually result in low back pain.


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