Activcore's Value

Blogs about The Value of Physical Therapy

SMART Goals for Smart Movement

When you begin an exercise routine, it is helpful to develop a goal for yourself so that you stay on track. When making your goals, keep them simple and SMART. When goals are SMART, they give you the opportunity to make a concrete plan. SMART is the acronym for all components of a well-planned goal.


Get to Know Khetanya

I joined the Activcore Performance team in Atlanta, Georgia at the start of 2023. My mission has been to empower the mind and body to bring you closer to your super-powered human self. Here are 5 questions and answers, so that you can get to know me better:


What Is Physical Therapy and How Does Activcore Make It Better?

Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty focused on treating various conditions related to movement and function. It involves the use of exercises, manual therapy, and other skilled techniques to improve mobility, reduce pain, and promote healing.‍ There are several mechanisms by which physical therapy works. It is a non-invasive treatment option. It does not involve the use of drugs or surgery...


As a Pilates Instructor, Why Did I Choose to Join Activcore?

I officially joined Activcore's teaching team in Atlanta this month. But it feels like I've been here longer as I have been studying both GYROTONIC® and the Redcord suspension system to implement into my performance training sessions. I would like to take this moment to answer some questions so that you can get to know me better.


As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Why Did I Choose to Join Activcore?

When I was first accepted into physical therapy school, my goal was to work in an outpatient orthopedic setting. I envisioned treating highly motivated athletes with the latest tools and technologies so that I could provide a meaningful change in their lives. The first two years of my doctorate level program emphasized academics and research. The third (and final) year emphasized clinical learning through 4 different clinical rotations. Fortunately for me, my last rotation was at Activcore.


How to Assess the Qualifications of a Pilates Teacher

A few weeks back, I shared my take on the Pilates copyright lawsuit that is being heard soon in federal court in New York. Parties on both sides of the lawsuit claim to want to protect Joseph Pilates’ work and legacy, albeit through different mechanisms.


Out-of-Network vs. In-Network: A Physical Therapist’s Perspective

I am a physical therapist who works in a physical therapy clinic that doesn’t participate in any insurance plans. So what does that really mean? What happens when a physical therapist is out-of-network? Many insurance companies deter people from going outside of the insurance network because of the higher expense.


A Tale of Two Physical Therapists

When I was in high school, I read the book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I can’t help but compare that story to my journey as a physical therapist. When I looked over my old cliff notes in preparation for writing today’s blog, Dickens came right out the gate in his first paragraph with the theme of duality...


Is Your Physical Therapist the Right Fit for You? 5 Questions You Should Be Asking.

There are now over 300,000 physical therapists (PTs) in the United States. If you’re looking for one in any major metropolitan area like Denver, CO, it might feel like most of them are located near you! With so many, it may be overwhelming when looking for the right fit for you. All physical therapists have similar backgrounds when it comes to the basics. We are all required to graduate from an accredited school, pass the national boards, and hold an active license in each state we practice in.


The Real Reason Your PT is Having You Do 3 Sets of 10

When you’re in physical therapy school, the professors fill you with pride. “You’re a Doctor of Physical Therapy,” they said. They encourage continuing education and research so you can deliver the most innovative, evidence-based care possible. “Never tell your patients to do 3 sets of 10,” they instructed. A physical therapist should appropriately dose each exercise to maximize strength gains and minimize recovery time.

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