Did you know that each of your feet has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments? And you have more than SEVEN THOUSAND nerve endings in each foot? The foot provides both important structural support for our balance and a ton of subconscious information for our brain about where we are in space and how to organize our movement.
When we lose mobility in our feet, we lose the literal foundation of our balance. Giving your feet just a little bit of love each day in the form of massage, mobility exercises and/or strength training (yes, you can strengthen your feet!), we set the stage for better balance.
In the video below, I provide one of my favorite tips for opening the feet before doing lower body strength and mobility work. You can find the lacrosse balls I reference on Amazon here.
To learn more, check out my previous blog post about integrating performing training into a physical therapy program for better balance.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are based on the opinion of the author, unless otherwise noted, and should not be taken as personal medical advice. The information provided is intended to help readers make their own informed health and wellness decisions.