From Groin Groans to Pelvic Pleasantries: How Pelvic Floor PT Steals the Show

Written by:
Dr. Ashlea Lytle
July 10, 2023

Picture this: a clandestine world of pelvic pain, shrouded in secrecy and often deemed the domain of women. But wait, men also find themselves entangled in this web of discomfort. It's time to bust open the pelvic pain myth and bring pelvic floor physical therapy to the center stage! So grab your seat and get ready for a hilarious journey as we unravel the comic complexities of male pelvic pain and discover how pelvic floor PT can save the day.

Welcome to the pelvic comedy club, where men bravely face the music in their nether regions. Pelvic pain in men may sound like a punchline, but it's no joke. Here's a rundown of 5 main acts causing pelvic pain havoc:

1. Prostatitis. The prostate gland gets inflamed, causing pelvic discomfort. It's like the rebellious teenager of the pelvis, throwing a tantrum and making life miserable.

2. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. The pelvic floor muscles, nerves, and tissues perform a comedy of errors, leading to chronic pelvic pain. It's a slapstick routine that nobody finds funny.

3. Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS). It's the pelvic pain equivalent of a magician's disappearing act. You're in pain, but there's no trace of infection to blame. Cue the mysterious music.

4. Post-Surgical Pain. Pelvic surgeries, like prostatectomy or hernia repair, sometimes leave behind an unwanted souvenir—pelvic pain. It's the post-surgical plot twist that nobody signed up for.

5. Musculoskeletal Mischief. Hip joint dysfunction, myofascial pain syndrome, and nerve entrapment are the pranksters of the pelvic region. They play hide-and-seek with your pain, leaving you scratching your head (and other places).

In this hilarious circus of pelvic pain, pelvic floor physical therapy struts onto the stage like a superhero in spandex. Here's how it saves the day, one pelvic floor at a time:

 Muscle R&R. With a touch of therapeutic magic, pelvic floor physical therapy relaxes and coordinates those mischievous muscles. It's like giving them a spa day and teaching them some synchronized dance moves. Goodbye tension, hello relief!

 Pain Control Comedy Act. Physical therapists bring out their bag of tricks—heat therapy, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation—to tickle those pain receptors into submission. It's a pain management spectacle that would make any clown jealous.

 Rehabilitation Extravaganza. For those post-surgery woes, pelvic floor physical therapy steps in with rehab prowess. It's like a motivational coach, guiding you through exercises and stretches to restore pelvic harmony. Who knew rehab could be this fun?

 Knowledge is Power Comedy Hour. Pelvic floor physical therapists become your pelvic gurus, teaching you the ABCs of posture, body mechanics, and pelvic exercises. They sprinkle in some dietary advice and stress-busting tips, like the comedic relief your pelvis needed.

 The Holistic Circus. Pelvic floor physical therapy doesn't just focus on the physical—it's a one-stop comedy shop for your entire being. They understand the emotional and psychological toll of pelvic pain, and they're here to lend a supportive ear and a side-splitting joke. Laughter truly is the best medicine.

Who knew the world of pelvic pain could be this entertaining? Male pelvic pain may seem like a comedic plot twist, but it's a real challenge for many men. Pelvic floor physical therapy enters the scene as the protagonist, armed with laughter, expertise, and a whole lot of pelvic know-how. So, if pelvic pain has been the villain of your story, it's time to rewrite the script. Embrace the comedic relief of pelvic floor PT and reclaim your pelvic groove. It's time to dance your way to pelvic health and have a few laughs along the way!

Contact me at Activcore Castle Rock to get started now.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are based on the opinion of the author, unless otherwise noted, and should not be taken as personal medical advice. The information provided is intended to help readers make their own informed health and wellness decisions.

Dr. Ashlea Lytle

VP Colorado Region | Physical Therapist
Ashlea Lytle is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) who has been practicing for over a decade in the Denver area. She specializes in orthopedics and pelvic health for adults and kids. She primarily works at Activcore in Castle Rock, Colorado.


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