Whether you consider yourself an expert on the pelvic floor or you are just exploring what the heck goes on “down there,” it never hurts to have a better understanding of the essential functions of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is more than a complex network of ligaments, muscles, and connective tissue (fascia). This dome-shaped structure has five extremely important “S” functions.
5 Major Functions of the Pelvic Floor
The structure of the pelvic floor offers support to the organs encased in the pelvis including the bladder, colon, and sexual organs. Acting as a hammock, the pelvic floor protects these organs against gravity and any added downward pressure during everyday activity.
The muscles and nerves of the rectum and urethra deal continence of feces, urine, and gas by involuntarily and voluntarily closing the sphincter muscles until a person can appropriately empty their bowel and/or bladder.
The pelvic floor muscles work with the body’s deep core (transversus abdominis), the multifidi (back muscles), the respiratory diaphragm, and the hip muscles to create stability with arm and leg movements.
Sexual Function
Blood flow, muscle function, and nervous system innervation allow for contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor which helps with penetration, arousal, and orgasm.
Sump Pump
Similar to the calf muscles of the leg, the pelvic floor contracts and relaxes, which move the blood and lymph fluid from the pelvis to the heart. The respiratory diaphragm assists the pelvic floor to circulate blood and lymph from the area.
How to Help Restore Function
Regardless of your age and activity level, the pelvic floor should always be working without dysfunction. However, problems can arise such as difficulty controlling the flow of urine (urinary incontinence), difficulty emptying the bowels (constipation) and bladder, pain with sex, pelvic pressure, and/or prolapse. A pelvic floor physical therapist can help... and it's never too late!
If you live in Central New Jersey and need help, please reach out to me at Activcore Bernardsville to schedule a consultation.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are based on the opinion of the author, unless otherwise noted, and should not be taken as personal medical advice. The information provided is intended to help readers make their own informed health and wellness decisions.